Support Portal


4.Prompts Suggestions

Here are some examples of the types of queries you can make with the chatbot:

  • Delivery Success Rate
"What is delivery success rate [for Carrier X]"

  •  First Hub Scan (FHS) without First Delivery Attempt (FDA)
"Show me the shipments with FHS but without FDA for [X period of time]"

  • Shipments Created without FDA
"List the shipments created but without FDA for [X period of time]"

  • Events per Tracking Code
"Provide the list of events per each tracking code: [list or one tracking code]"

  • Return Rate
What is my return rate per carrier

  • Volumes
Shipment volumes per country per month of 2024


  • Damage Rate
What is my damage rate in Spain per City

  • Shipments Events Explanation
What does First Hub Scan mean? / What is FDA? / What does Timeout event mean?

Please note: You can always group your results per:

  1. Country
  2. Carrier
  3. Timeframe (month, week)
  4. Zip Code
  5. City

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